Saturday 31 October 2015

November - the month of the Holy Souls

"It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins."  2 Maccabees 12

For Catholics, November is traditionally the month of special prayer for those who have died.  We remember our own family and friends who have died, and we pray for the Holy Souls in purgatory - those who are being made ready for heaven through God's love and mercy.

Here are the ways we can mark this special month in our parish:

1  November Dead Lists - lists and envelopes are available in all the churches now.  Please take them home and write down the names of your deceased family and friends who you wish to pray for.  Put your list in the envelope (along with an offering, if you like) and leave them back in the churches.  Throughout November the lists will be placed by the altar at every Mass.  Our priests make a personal commitment to pray for all the names and to offer their Masses for them.

2 Visit a cemetery - the Church grants a special indulgence on behalf of the Holy Souls for everyone who visits a cemetery between the 1st and the 8th of November.  The indulgence is granted under the usual conditions:

- that we receive Holy Communion and Confession within 20 days of the cemetery visit.
- that we pray for the intentions of our Holy Father, Pope Francis (and Our Father and Haily Mary would be great).
- that we make a commitment to reject sin in our lives.

3 All Souls' Day - Monday November 2nd is All Souls' Day this year.  It's not a holy day of obligation, but many people make a special effort to come to Mass that day and pray for the dead.  Mass times are:

St Mary's on the Hill - 7.30am and 9.15am
St Bernard's - 10am
St Macnissi's - 7pm

4 Annual Requiem Mass for Deceased Parishioners - each year we hold a special Mass to remember parishioners who have died.  We think especially of those who have died in the last year and their names will be read out and displayed on the walls of the St Bernard's.  This year the Mass is at St Bernard's on Tuesday November 3rd at 7pm.

5 Mass of the Angels for Children who have died -  we're also having a special Mass for children who have died - whether before or after birth.  Parents, family and friends who have lost children are especially welcome to come and pray together at St Mary's on the Hill on Wednesday November 11th at 7pm.

6 November pledge - we can offer up sacrifices for those who have died.  One traditional way is to take a pledge not to drink alcohol during the month of November.  If that's not appropriate, you might choose another penance during the month.

It's wonderful to think that we can do good for our loved ones even after their death - and our prayers, Masses, indulgences and penances are given a special power by God to help those who have died. 

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine!

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.  May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.  Amen.

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