Saturday 17 October 2015

Mission Sunday: being a missionary here in Glengormley

Today is Mission Sunday, the day when the Church focuses on missionary work across the world.  Ireland has a long tradition of sending missionary priests, sisters and lay workers to different parts of the world to share the Good News of Jesus Christ - it's not by accident that one of the patron saints of Nigeria is St Patrick!

But today is also a day for us to consider how we can be missionaries here at home.  Jesus wants his disciples to go out, proclaim the Gospel and make disciples.  That means we have to look for ways to share our faith with the people we meet.  It might seem like a big challenge, but here's a few suggestions of small things we can do to help get the message of Jesus Christ out:

1 Don't be shy about talking about your faith.  If someone asks you tomorrow how your weekend went, tell them - and that includes saying that you went to Mass.  You don't have to ask if they went to church, but don't be shy about letting people know that you're someone who practices your faith.

2 Tell your friends that you pray for them.  Don't just sympathise with people who are having a tough time.  Let them know that you are praying for them and that you know God will help them.  Your faith can have a big effect on others.

3 Let people see the difference being a Christian makes to your life and your work.  Fr Damian talked at Mass about a builder who was known for being honest and trustworthy because he was a faithful Christian.  Let's make sure people say that sort of thing about us too!

4 Invite people who don't come to Mass to join you for a special occasion - the Mass for deceased parishioners in November, the monthly healing Mass, or a Christmas Mass.  Some people would love to come back to Mass but feel too nervous - let's reach out and make sure they feel welcome.

5 Send religious Christmas cards.  Holly and robins are lovely, but if we are Christians let's send cards that show whose birthday it really is!  Bonus points if you get religious stamps too (you can always ask for them at the Post Office each Christmas).

6 Pass on your faith to your children and grandchildren.  Our Catholic schools do so much for our children but parents and families are always best at passing on the faith.  Children won't be bored by religion if it's a natural part of family life.  And we have so many traditions in the Catholic church that can capture young people's imaginations.  How about bringing kids to the church to light a candle during the week, or getting them rosary beads or a statue to keep in their bedroom?

7 Pray and do penance!  Sometimes it can take years to win over someone who has rejected the faith (just ask St Monica how long she prayed and cried over her son St Augustine!).  But God hears our prayers and none of them are wasted or forgotten.  And in the Gospel Jesus tells us that sometimes we need to fast as well as pray.  Prayer and penance can change the world and win souls for Jesus!

Have you any more suggestions about how to share the Gospel with others?  Leave a comment!

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